Private Practice Bootcamp is back - now with rolling admission. Get started today!
Private Practice Bootcamp is an online training program that combines business logistics, professional exploration, and personal leadership to help make your private practice dream a reality.Are you a therapist, counsellor or wellness professional?
Are you looking for the freedom and flexibility of your own private practice, but don’t know where to begin or how to make your business grow?
You aren’t alone.
I know you take your work seriously, and you want to do what’s best for your clients.
You want to provide the services you know your clients need. You’re tired of following someone else’s mandate, only having time to put Band-Aids on concerns, and needing to send clients to other services right when you’re getting to the core of the issue.
You’ve invested in yourself and your career.
You have spent years (and tens of thousands of dollars) learning how to do this work well. Now you have bills to pay, a life to live, and loved ones you need to support (<– remember you’re on that list too!) You want to build a career that allows financial freedom and the time to spend with those that matter most, while also providing incredible care for your clients.
You’ve put in the time, completed your clinical training, set your sights on private practice, and now realize something is missing from the equation…
How to actually run a business! And it’s not your fault.
Starting and maintaining a private practice business is never even talked about in most clinical training programs.
But don’t worry, with the right plan and support, you can confidently set-up, market, and manage your own private practice, even without prior business experience.
What you need is a roadmap, so you know what to do, where to go and how to get there.
and that’s where I come in…

Hi. I’m Constance.
I empower therapists and counsellors just like you, to create profitable practices that reflect their lifestyle and values, so you can quit worrying about the business details and focus on what matters most, helping your clients grow.
I’m also a Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor and Associate Power Coach with my own full-time private practice in Vancouver B.C.
I filled my practice within 6 months of opening the doors, and I want the same for you. With the right plan and preparation, you can set yourself up for success.
I want to help you do that. Let’s build your practice together.
Eliminate the guesswork in building your own private practice business.
Take years off your learning curve and discover exactly how to get started or get serious.By the time I finished the program, I had DOUBLED my practice!!
Private Practice Bootcamp was like being near-sighted and putting on prescription eyeglasses for the first time – such an eye-opening experience that brought focus to all the important aspects to allow for a thriving private practice. Not only do I feel more confident as an “entrepreneur”, I feel more grounded as a therapist as well!
So what’s covered?
Private Practice Bootcamp is a 3-month program (with time for integration before, during and after) broken down into two sections – Inner Exploration and Outer Expression. Each section contains four intuitive topics that seamlessly lead to the next, so all you have to do is focus on what’s in front of you – no more wondering what to do next!
Inner Exploration
The Exploration phase is all about prep work. Figure out the type of practitioner you want to be, your niche, your ideal client, and identify roadblocks that might get in your way before we start. Create a broad vision of the practice you want to build so that when it comes to logistics, you know where to focus, so you don’t waste time on things that don’t help create your dream.
Your Foundation
- Explore your identity as a business owner
- Learn time management and organizational techniques
- Understand your current priorities and roadblocks
- Plan your registrations and insurance
Your Vision
- Create the initial roadmap for your practice
- Determine your business structure and name
- Learn what sets you apart from the crowd
- Investigate the existing market
Your Niche
- Learn to identify the clients you were truly born to work with
- Understand how to speak your client’s language, so they know you’re talking to them
- Discover how to craft your practice to meet the needs of your dream clientele
Your Brand
- Determine your Business Core Values and how to use them in practice
- Solidify your business mission, tagline, and descriptor
- Explore simple branding tools such as logo, colours, fonts and themes
Outer Expression
Formalize your business systems and nail your marketing plan. Solidify your brand, master your finances, and learn how to manage your online presence and discover where to find your ideal clients. Many traditional marketing approaches aren’t appropriate for therapists – but fear not! There are ways you can reach your clients and still stay true to your profession – and I’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to do it.
Your Story
Take everything you have done to date and craft a bio that can be used in directories and on your website. Finalize your business foundations and confidently move into the planning stages of your practice.
Your Marketing
- Learn how to confidently tell others about your work without feeling “sales-y”
- Discover how to authentically build your network with ease
- Figure out how to track what works for you so you can market more efficiently and effectively
- Explore various marketing techniques that match your style and personality
- Style your website so it becomes a client magnet
Your Money
- Discover how to set up your bank accounts & credit cards so you won’t cry at tax time
- Learn what taxes you are responsible for and tips for bookkeeping
- Determine how to set your rates and make sure you are getting paid
- Understand how to set up a sliding scale and see if that model works for your practice
Your Momentum
- Determine your Launch Timeline
- Discover how to let the world know when you are open for business
- Implement support systems to keep you on track
- Establish habits to keep you and your practice vital and healthy
I walked away from this program with only one regret: that I wasted so much time and hundreds of dollars trying to cobble together the information I needed before, when this course had it all in one comprehensive package. One conversation with Constance saved me countless hours of research!
The information presented covered a wide variety of areas without being overwhelming. I honestly learned things I didn’t even realize I needed to know and can only imagine the headaches I avoided!
Who is this program for?
Private Practice Bootcamp is designed specifically for Helping Professionals who want to build thriving and sustainable practices while still adhering to their professional code of ethics.
This includes Clinical Counsellors, Psychologists, Professional Counsellors, Registered Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Art Therapists, Music Therapists, Behavioural Therapists, among other Wellness Professionals. If your business is helping others, and you have to align your conscience AND a regulatory body for your clinical and business decisions, this program is for you.
Whether you’re a recent graduate who wants to understand how to ethically set-up your own practice or you’re a seasoned practitioner, confident with clients, but ready to get serious about running your own business, Private Practice Bootcamp will support you through all the steps you need to run and grow a successful practice.
The tips and tools that were shared saved me years of troubleshooting, and helped me hit the ground running. Thank you Constance for your thoughtful support, sound expertise and infectious passion!
How it Works
Designed to fit your busy schedule
Every seven days you will get an email allowing you access to the next week’s available training materials. This includes training videos, written content online, tips, and tools for each topic, downloadable worksheets, and action assignments. There are also two integration weeks to help give you space for life to happen. Review at your own pace, on your own time.
Submit questions for posted video feedback
Get your personal questions answered monthly. Submitted questions will have answers posted in the adjacent week’s materials so you can learn from each other’s journey. It’s an opportunity to ask any more in-depth questions about topics in the program.
Since taking Private Practice Bootcamp I have had a steady flow of clients in my practice with Middle and Older Generations and I absolutely LOVE counselling.
Additional Three Mini Courses
In addition to the core Private Practice Bootcamp training, the Group Intensive also includes access to three additional self-guided courses.
1) Business Basics ~ 1h 20min – Available at registration
This course walks you through all the first time business owner start up steps so can make sure you have your bases covered and your business is legal. Included information on business registration, insurance, licensing, bank accounts, scheduling and file storage plus much more.
2) Website 101 ~ 50min – Available at registration
This course walks you through creating the structure of your own website. Learn what pages you need, what should be on them, and what can wait. Perfect for those who want ideas for their own DIY site, and those who need to know what to ask when talking to their website developer. Find out how to write copy that encourages callers to become clients, discover how to get found online, and learn simple ways to make your website look clean and professional.
Halfway though the program you will get access to Practical Paperwork and Policies to help you build the infrastructure to support your vision when you are ready.
3) Practical Paperwork and Policies – Available in Week 9
10+ Paperwork, Form and Policy templates that can be tailored to your specific practice. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Some people have said this alone was worth taking the program. Examples include:
- Initial Contact Screening, Informed Consent, Intake, Consent to Release information & Confirmation of Attendance Forms
- Electronic Communications, Late Client/Cancellation, NSF/Non-payment & Social Media Policies
A huge bargain! It’s cheap at twice the price and worth every penny!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT !!!
Registration is open now – get started today!
Private Practice Bootcamp
Payment plans available- This 3 month Private Practice Bootcamp Program includes:
- Weekly training videos
- Weekly written content and explanations
- Downloadable worksheets
- Action Assignments
- Access to Guest Expert Interviews Video Library
- Plus 3 Bonus Mini Courses: Business Basics, Practical Paperwork and Policies, & Website 101
Not ready for this round? If you are interested in future versions of Bootcamp, please add your name below to be notified when the program is available again.
Constance leads a supportive, well organized learning community; providing current, relevant, business-savvy, (& anxiety reducing!) exercises for practitioners to follow, integrating their love of authentic practice with smart business planning. I’m walking away clearly informed, feet on the ground, and going forward with a business plan that allows me to get back to my #1 passion of practicing!
How is this different from other business building programs?
Ethical Considerations
Not all business practices and marketing plans are created equal. There are lots of business coaches and programs available that can introduce you to the world of business. Private Practice Bootcamp incorporates business building and marketing techniques that honour the unique dynamics created in therapeutic relationships. Discover how to work within your ethical codes and still build a flourishing practice.
Support as you build your practice
Designing and building a business doesn’t happen overnight. Q&A videos and length of the program allows you to time to act upon and integrate everything you’re learning. Feel supported every step of the way.
Intuitive Sequencing
Say goodbye to overwhelm. Building a practice can seem like a daunting task filled with too many decisions to even list. It can be paralyzing if you don’t know what needs to happen first and what can wait until later. This program takes you through a series of topics and decisions in a specific order so they build upon one other. You’ll be surprised at how natural the process can feel when you know the next steps to take.
Individualized Business Planning
Your practice should be as unique as you. This program empowers you build a practice that aligns with your personal vision, values, and lifestyle – and for every person that looks different. Private Practice Bootcamp walks you through all the steps but you make the decisions. There are no one-size-fits-all answers here.
Ideas for Website and Marketing Copy Creation
No more staring blankly at a computer screen with no idea what to say. The exercises contained in Private Practice Bootcamp flow seamlessly into helping you create your website and marketing content. Learn how to authentically speak about yourself and your work, in a way that resonates with your perfect clients.
Run by a Practicing Therapist
Someone who understands the complexities of therapeutic work and running your own business. I know what it’s like to be in your shoes and I bring all the clinical and business experience, training, and trial and error I’ve experienced in my own practice to my work with you. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel. There are certain things that just work in building a business and I can’t wait to share them with you.
The program laid out the landscape of what I needed to learn/what skills I needed to grow, as well as concrete tools to move forward. I feel emotionally more prepared, as well as practically.
Before this program, my practice felt hit and miss and I was overwhelmed trying to determine the best way to focus my work. I now have more confidence about the clients I am called to serve, and don’t feel that I’m chasing the next “shiny idea”.
Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely! Although some exercises are targeted towards people who are taking steps to build their practice or those in the first few years of running their business, even those with an established practice have a lot to gain from this program.
If you are switching gears, or now really getting serious about your practice, this program can help. Bootcamp takes you through the same steps every successful business owner revisits throughout the lifecycle of their practice.
I guarantee you will find something worth considering in each module regardless of how long you have been in practice. The step-by-step nature allows you to tweak what you already have in place while filling in any missing pieces as you go along.
It’s possible, but it all depends on you, how quickly you can move, your current stage of practice, and what other responsibilities you have outside the program.
Everyone will be coming in with a different level of set-up, skills, and knowledge, as well as varying available time and financial resources. Business building aspects like getting your registrations in order, finding the right office, creating financial savings, or developing a website can take longer than the Bootcamp time frame.
I promise you will come away with a solid business plan, clarity, and know exactly the next steps you need to take to accomplish that plan within the Bootcamp. The rest depends on you.
For the most part – Yes.
Although the business structure, banking and tax information are based on current Canadian laws, the business principles described throughout the program are universal.
If you want to get the most out of Bootcamp, I would say be prepared to set aside about 5-6 hours per week for business development.
This time includes time for reading the materials, working on the exercises, and implementing what you’re learning. Some weeks may be a bit more; some may be a bit less. Again this will depend on what you already have in place. Some weeks ask you to be introspective and explore the vision of your practice. Other weeks require you actually to go out and start building it!
Bootcamp participants can access the program materials for six (6) months from purchase.
However, each module has detailed downloadable worksheets to refer back to as you move forward after the program is complete.
Even if your practice is already established, going in the Bootcamp sequence will actually save you time in the long run. Trust me; there is a reason for the process!
The modules are sequenced in a specific order, so you build the foundation before you create the structure. Often people want to jump ahead and then realize they have to go back to figure out key pieces afterward. Each week builds on the next and will make the creation of your business or business plan feel logical and straightforward in the end.
If during the first 2 weeks of the program, you think it’s not a good fit or life gets in the way, I am happy to offer you a refund (minus a $50 processing fee) – no questions asked.
After the first two weeks, no refunds are available, so make sure you can commit to before you sign up. If you have any questions to help you decide if now is the right time for you to take the program, don’t hesitate to email me at
That said, even if you cannot complete all the exercises or life gets in the way, you will still be further ahead towards your private practice goals than before you started. Generally, the best time to start is now!
For sure, as long as you have both registered for the program separately.
Although I can’t stop you, I am asking you to check your conscience on this one. I work very hard to bring together a high-quality service and make my work accessible. And this is also how I make a living. If you want free support and tools, I am happy to share, but the place for that is over at my mailing list HERE
You will access the course on a teaching platform called Thinkific. It is very user-friendly with lots of support so you won’t every feel stuck.
No you get to work through the program at your own pace. There are no scheduled live elements to Bootcamp which lets you make it work for you. Every week more material will be released to you, but you get to decide when you go through it. This means you can work the program around your life, instead of the other way around!
No but you are encouraged to submit questions via email and recorded responses will be uploaded to the course monthly. You are also welcome to reach out to book an individual strategy session if you want to dig even deeper into your business plan. Strategy sessions are $250/60min and $375/90min.
More questions? Don’t hesitate to email me at
Private Practice Bootcamp helped me define who I am as a therapist, what I value in my work, and what I vision for my future. I am so thankful that I took this program right after I finished my Master’s as I’ve gained valuable tools that I know I will use throughout my entire career.
Are you ready to:
Create a realistic and personalized business plan to help all your decisions
Implement systems that make running your practice simple and easy
Discover how to confidently tell colleagues and clients about your work
Learn how to market effectively to reach more clients with less effort
Create a business that reflects your lifestyle, vision and personal values
Brainstorm the layout and content copy for your own website
Registration is open now for 2024
Get started today!
Private Practice Bootcamp
Payment plans available- This 3 month Private Practice Bootcamp Program includes:
- Weekly training videos
- Weekly written content and explanations
- Downloadable worksheets
- Action Assignments
- Access to Guest Expert Interviews Video Library
- Plus 3 Bonus Mini Courses: Business Basics, Practical Paperwork and Policies, & Website 101
Not ready for this round? If you are interested in future versions of Bootcamp, please add your name below to be notified when the program is available again.
Private Practice Bootcamp helped me in exactly those areas that were beyond my comfort zone. I now see that there is room for everyone only when we understand and learn to articulate our own therapeutic strengths and personal characteristics. On top of that, Constance is great fun to work with!
Constance met all the participants where they were, understood their unique challenges and provided clear, easy to understand road maps for everyone to follow. Whether it was marketing, financial management, branding, accounting, logistics, legal aspects, she broke this process down into smaller components, and made it easy to achieve.
Terms and Conditions for Private Practice Bootcamp Online Program